Recommendations I have for you.

  • Books I recommend to most of my clients. Find a list of books, e-books, and audible resources I have below.

  • Podcasts that I have either been featured on, or recommend my clients to listen to. Find the list of great content down below.

  • There are so many inspiring videos out there on YouTube, Vimeo, and other streaming services. I have a few favorites that I want to share with you that might be hopeful, and inspiring.

  • Different tools to help you move through experiences



  • Mental Health Hacks

    Strategies for controlling negative thoughts and triggers and managing emotional pain. (Feat. Kristi Reeves)

  • The Anatomy of Trust

    What is trust? The data says there are seven parts of trust, and we organize these into the acronym BRAVING.

  • Shame and Accountability

    Strategies for pulling my “thinking brain” back online when I’m experiencing the flight and fight energy fueled by shame.

  • A better way to discuss pornography conerns when dating.


Caregiver Conference

Point me the Way and I’ll Walk Home: Hear the lessons from Grandma on coping with the emotions of caregiving.

Tools to help you choose freedom.

“The foundation of freedom is the power to choose.”